Back to School on Credit Union Statement Marketing

Credit Union Statement Marketing

In the United States, the start of the school year marks a two-and-a-half-month sprint to the beginning of the holiday season. Typically, the lack of school breaks during these months means fewer of your employees will take time off. You and your team will likely be reviewing annual budgets, identifying strategic goals, and implementing process […]

Document Consolidation for Efficiency and Effectiveness

Credit Union Statement Marketing

For consumers, managing and properly storing important documents is a real challenge. Don’t make it worse by sending unnecessary envelopes to the same household or forcing customers to access documents via multiple interfaces.  Two solutions to consider for efficient document consolidation and management are householding and providing a unified online customer interface for e-presentment.  Householding  […]

Missed Marketing Opportunities 

We all know marketing communications are going digital. In the rush to embrace new technology, marketers have ignored other, more traditional means of reaching audiences. Transactional documents are one of those channels marketers often overlook. These are important touch points and not leveraging their potential is a missed opportunity.  Thankfully, that’s changing. In recent years […]

The Pitfalls of Pricing Comparisons

Companies attempting to compare pricing from competing outsource document service companies have a difficult task. Each vendor may offer a different menu of services and price schedule. Invoice line item evaluation can be time consuming and confusing.    Outsource companies bundle services differently. Some companies quote a single price for printing and inserting a document. Other […]

Harness the Power of Dynamic Marketing in an Automated World 

Marketing without targeting is not a winning strategy. Most of us are bombarded with hundreds of messages a day that aren’t relevant or valuable, so we delete, toss, and tune out. Marketing wins are based on data analytics. Data allows you to hit the right note with your intended audiences.  Remember generic bill stuffers for […]

4 Document Design Tips your CSRs (and Budget) Will Thank You For

Customer Service

Ever stop to wonder how much you are really spending on unnecessary phone calls to your call center? You are not alone. According to a SilverCloud survey of over 200 credit unions and banks, 63% of the respondents said that their subject matter experts and managers spend more than 1/3 of their day answering front-line […]

Are Your ePresentment Services Giving Your Customers Everything They Need?


The benefits of digital delivery of business-critical documents are well known for both businesses and their customers. Electronic presentment (ePresentment) of statements and documents is cost-saving, eco-friendly, and easily accessed by customers in a place where they tend to spend a lot of time these days: their mobile devices. Today, there are many common practices […]

Omni-Channel Communication – A Paradigm Shift

Financial institutions (FI’s) typically generate lots of documents they send to their customers. FI’s send statements, bills, privacy policy notices, account feature updates, marketing materials, tax forms, and more. To customers, these communications seem to come from the same place. They all feature the FI’s logo and corporate colors and they reference the customers’ accounts […]