How to Convert Your Customers to Paperless Documents

There are many benefits to paperless adoption, however, getting your customers to convert to electronic statements and invoices is sometimes difficult and expensive. We have compiled a list of the 8 best practices to successfully convert your customers to a paperless CCM platform while ensuring their continued satisfaction.

1.) Consistent Formatting

Offering a   document that is different from a print version is one of the top reasons consumers avoid paperless adoption. Providing an exact PDF replica of the paper statement or invoice allows customers to feel more comfortable turning off their paper version.

2.) All-Inclusive Availability

Ensure all your customer communications and mailed documents  are made available electronically on a single platform, including eInvoices, eStatements, eNotices, eLoan Coupons and eTax forms.

3.) Check-View Access

In a financial settings, check images are important.  Allow customers to view check images from within their eStatements. Online statements with check-view access are much more valuable to the customer or member, as they eliminate the hassle of switching from eStatements to Home Banking to search for individual check numbers, and they provide an added benefit completely unavailable through print.

4.) History

Offering complete historical availability online will make sure customers have access to important information as they prepare tax returns and other financial documents. Additionally, this will reduce unnecessary customer service calls regarding inquiries for past statements.

5.) Compelling Incentives

Incent customers by charging for printed statements and offering complimentary access to all electronic documents, or offering a one-time $10 deposit for those who elect to forego print documents. At an average cost of $0.55 per printed statement, a return on the incentive will be seen in about 20 months.

6.) Total Access

Allow customers to view their non-transaction oriented communications, such as loans or CDs of simple savings accounts without logging into their Home Banking website.  By doing this, you will take the complexity out of the process, thus driving electronic adoption demand.

7.) Personalize Messaging

Integrate individualized marketing and other messages into eDocuments that are different than the printed version provide a customized experience online. **Put something here about being able to show a different marketing message online vs. printed.  

8.) Electronic-Only Default

Instead of asking new customers to opt-in to electronic adoption, set the default to electronic and ask them to opt-in for paper documents instead. This will save postage, print and production costs, and is good for the environment, which is often an added benefit to customers.

Electronic communication adoption is key to reducing costs and attracting a new generation of customers. By offering the opportunity to access all document online, organizations can begin to drive down operational costs and eliminate print and mail costs altogether.

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